Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Human Resource Perspectivescase Study Report Essay Example

Human Resource Perspectivescase Study Report Essay Under the situational factors with laws and societal values, Terry’s work habits have to be looked from different areas of law (Kramar et al. 2011, 8-9). It depends on whether the company when employing Terry had a workplace agreement or a contract between the two parties. In this case if there were no workplace agreement the countries statuary law comes into place. Annett’s concerns over Terry are justified because it was within Annett’s knowledge that Terry was working long hours. Whether Terry’s work habits were a disaster waiting to happen is not something which can conclusively be argued. This depends on other relevant factors like his partner’s views in relation to marriage and his psychical stamina. At forty years of age, he should be capable of still doing such work. The dangers of what might happen to Terry could risk the company’s liability. The dangers are that since Terry’s extra work was acknowledged by the company. Warnings should have being given to him written or otherwise. According to HRM policy choices, work systems (Kramar et al. 2011, 8-9) 0. 2Annett’s concerns We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resource Perspectivescase Study Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resource Perspectivescase Study Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resource Perspectivescase Study Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Annett’s concerns are related to his health and wellbeing. However the fact that most people felt obliged to work with Terry’s example seems to be a danger to the company as there are laws in place. The fact that he never insisted people work long hours shows that Terry knew his limits. That fact Annette has met Terry only a few times seems to be disturbing. This is because when such a situation has risen, Annette should concern herself more with Terry’s work style and addressed the situation by discussing with Terry about his workaholic lifestyle. Leading towards Long term consequences, individual wellbeing (Kramar et al. 011, 8-9) 0. 3Disaster waiting to happen As much as we are not aware of Terry’s health and his relationship in marriage with his partner. These matters have to be addressed by Annett. Into this question we have to take into consideration other factors whether Terry had the ability in his job to take work home. If this ranger in computer work which could be taken home, this would surely affect his marriage as less attention would be paid to his partner. 0. 4Tangible benefits According to the Harvard model this comes under HRM policy choices that include employee influences and reward systems (Kramar et al. 011, 8-9). The company which Terry works for obviously got tangible benefits. This is to be seen by the promotion he got and also a reward for the extra duties he did. Furthermore he was an example to others. This was acknowledged by Annett. The fact that Annett did not see him often and only saw him on few occasions shows that he was capable of doing his duties without supervision. Therefore this in itself is a great asset to the company. This leads to an employee relations issue, as this is a big advantage for the company. Therefore they could argue that the directors are responsible for not putting more safety measures in place to protect the employees over committing themselves to their duties, as a result the company could suffer the consequences. Long term consequences, organizational effectiveness and social wellbeing. (Kramar et al. 2011, 8-9) For the company’s benefits such issues could be prevented. 0. 4. 1Ways of communicating OHS There are different ways to communicate OHS to staff in the establishment/company Some of these are: * Through staff meetings on a regular basis. Through coaching sessions and demonstrations. * Through posters/memos that are placed on bulletins. * Through inductions/orientation of new staff. * Through briefing before work commence. * Written policies, procedures and documents used by staff while carrying out their work. Occupational health and safety communications Purpose: To establish guidelines for effective safety communications at the establishment Object ive: To create workplace environment where the free flow of safety information is promoted and utilized Standards: The establishment shall have regular safety meetings formatted to the needs of management and staff Safety communication meetings may take the form of: * Formalized safety committees * Department, crew/shift meetings * Toolbox safety meetings * And other appropriate site effective methods All safety communication meetings shall be recorded and a formalized process of feedback on corrective outstanding items shall be established. (Marie 2012) Safety information shall be strategically located throughout the establishment as a point of focus for safety communication. Feedback obtained Obtaining feedback from staff is very important. It will help in improving the purpose of our OHS guide for everyone’s benefit. We can obtain feedback from staff through: * Feedback Survey; * OHS questionnaires; * Staff opinions and concerns 0. 5Risks When taking risks into account, there could be specific laws in relation to the workplace. A guideline could have been made with reference to commonsense with regard to Terry’s marriage and health issues. It could have been focused not only for Terry but also for those workers in the company who were working under him. Taking him as an example they should not be made to feel that they should be performing to such an extent as to abuse their family life and as well as their health be risked. Directions or seminars should have been made to make sure that the employees understood to what extent their duties were. 0. 6Exploitation If the company did not make direction or seminars as explained before, then they would have being guilty of exploitation of Terry and the workers working under him. This could have left the company open to litigation and would have cost this company a lot of money. One of the company’s differences could have been that the type of work undertaken by Terry in this particular area was not confined for an eight hour job. He could have worked overtime at home on the computer and also worked with the contractors in the area of advertising. However the company would have noticed that they got vast amounts of benefits by Terry working for sixty hours a week. According to the fair work commission Australia, The ordinary hours of work are to be an average of 38 per week, an employee will not be required to work more than 10 ordinary hours per day and the ordinary hours of an employee must not exceed 152 hours in 28 consecutive days. (Australia. Fair Work Commission 2010) Written direction should have been made or they should have had placards placed in the workplace. Of cause different companies have different methods of approaching this and making these directions to its workers. Some companies do this by making workers sign a book which contains the directions and some company’s display posters showing health and safety requires depicting the dangers. But it is for the company to make sure that the worker should adhere to the country’s law and health and safety procedures. Rogier 2011) 0. 7Adverse Events Adverse events of such behavior by Terry could be legal or moral. Legal matters could only be concluded in the court of law. There would be arguments by both sides which could result in an expense which could be detrimental to the company’s profits. The moral obligation is responsibility for another human beings life extends more in the field of duty of care more than a legal requirement. The company should have made special effort to protect Terry’s health and marriage as he is an asset to the establishment. His continuation as a selfless worker should have been appreciated more by the company and Annette should have met him more than a few times by Annett as mentioned to bring about a more safe work environment for Terry. It is immoral for a company to make substantially profit with this regard with the workers development and risks attached to it. This could come from the situational factors under business strategy and conditions and also from laws and societal values (Kramar et al. 2011, 8-9) 0. 8Annett’s Requirements Annette of coarse had been recently appointed as the HR manager for the publishing company. As such we have to look into her job description whether she was aware that her negligence is not notifying Terry of his continuous and overtime work could have led to a disaster in his life. It would have been her role to establish healthy work hours for Terry. Annette should have initiated more meetings with Terry and analyzed why Terry’s workaholism was taking place. Annette should have found out the psychological reasons why he was behaving in such a way. Whether it was due to any reasons of Terry’s pasts or whether it was his insecurity or whether it was his need for more money and made Terry was available to do so, Annette should have directed Terry to a counseling session to stop such behavioral patterns. In this case the counseling sessions would have brought the answers which Annette needed. Annette should have made a report to the CEO of the company giving the advantaged of having Terry working such hours and the dangers it could bring to the company. (Killinger 2012) Then it would have being the duty of HR or it would have been their responsibility to make the decisions and Terry’s orking hours could not have limited to an eight hour job. Terry would have had communicating time and worked from home from his computer in the area of modern advertising. Therefore Annette could not be aware of how many hours for example he could have spend some time out of the work place making calls, socializing, publishing websites, travelling outside office hours. As such there was no possibility for Annette physically to stop Terry from working outside office. In such a case Annette could ask terry to keep a log book to keep records of hours he worked outside work. That way from time to time Terry could have made written requests for Terry to warn him if he exceeds his working hours. This would come under Stakeholders interests through management and shareholders (Kramar et al. 2011, 8-9) Annette’s concerns for rewarding such work habits that were dangerous to Terry is correct. Although the CEO thought of rewarding Terry should have also considered any dangers associated with that type of work. Annette should have being clear to appreciate hard work but at the same time not going to an extreme of not warning him of the dangers as the CEO seems to think. . 9References Chicago style referencing Kramar, R. , Bartram, T. , De Cieri, H. , Noe, R. A. , Hollenbeck, J. R. , Gerhart, B. amp; Wright, P. M. 2011. Human Resource Management: Strategy, People, Performance. 4ed. McGraw-Hill Australia Wood J, Zeffane R, Fromholtz M, Wiesner R, Creed A, Schermerhorn J, Hunt J, and Osborn R. 2010. Organisational Behaviour: Core Concepts and Applications. Second Australasian Edition. Milton, Queensland: John Wiley and Sons, Australia Ltd. Marie-Claire Ross  , 2012. 10 Ways to Improve your Workplace Safety Communication http://www. digicast. com. au/blog/? Tag=communicating%20OHS%20messages Harvard Business Review. 1993. The Articulate Executive: Orchestrating Effective Communication. Harvard Business School Press. 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